Purist audio design genesis rca
Purist audio design genesis rca

purist audio design genesis rca

Our new, Luminist revision returns to these roots and is, we believe, a true marriage of art and fine engineering. The art of the craft, the art of music and being able to truly appreciate it as the artist intended. I’ve been in this business for over 25 years and for me, it started with art. Genesis Digital Interconnect Specifications

purist audio design genesis rca

We also greatly improved the XLR connectors by using beryllium copper with gold plating on the pins.Īll Genesis cables come packaged in a handsome soft case. We're able to custom-build to fit your needs!Īs a part of Purist Audio Design's Luminist Revision, We redesigned and greatly improved the RCA connectors using beryllium copper and increasing the thickness of the gold plating. If your system demands a custom configuration, please contact us. They are available in 75 Ω SPDIF (RCA & BNC) and 110 Ω AES/EBU (XLR) configurations. Daha ilginç öğeler için diğer listeleri kontrol edin.The Genesis line of Digital Interconnects are crafted with two important criteria: exquisitely detailed musical sound and a phenomenal price. Purist Audio Design'ın Luminist Revizyonu'nun bir parçası olarak, berilyum bakır kullanarak ve altın kaplama kalınlığını artırarak RCA konektörlerini yeniden tasarladılar ve büyük ölçüde geliştirdiler. Venustas üstün RMF, EMF, EMI gürültü azaltma elde ve eskisinden daha iyi titreşimi azaltır. Daha esnek bir tasarım alabilmek için yüksek kaliteli tel ile yeniden tasarlanmış, aynı zamanda gelişmiş metalurji sahiptir. Venustas'ın ara bağlantı hattı rafine mühendislik ve insan dokunuşu sanatına sahiptir. Kostenloser Versand weltweit! Purist Ses Tasarımı Venustas Luminist Revizyon ses ara bağlantı kabloları bir çift çok iyi durumda. Schauen Sie sich unsere anderen Angebote für weitere interessante Artikel. Die Originaltasche ist im Lieferumfang enthalten. Als Teil der Luminist Revision von Purist Audio Design haben sie die Cinch-Steckverbinder mit Beryllium-Kupfer neu gestaltet und erheblich verbessert und die Dicke der Vergoldung erhöht. Die Venustas erreichen überlegene RMF, EMF, EMI Rauschunterdrückung und reduzieren Vibrationen noch besser als zuvor. Mit einem hochwertigen Draht neu konstruiert, um ein flexibleres Design zu ermöglichen, verfügt es auch über eine verbesserte Metallurgie. Die Venustas-Linie der Verbindungen besitzt raffinierte Technik und die Kunstfertigkeit der menschlichen Berührung.

#Purist audio design genesis rca free#

Free shipping worldwide! Ein Paar Purist Audio Design Venustas Luminist Revision Audio-Verbindungskabel in einem sehr guten Zustand.

purist audio design genesis rca

Check our other listings for more interesting items. As a part of Purist Audio Design’s Luminist Revision, they redesigned and greatly improved the RCA connectors using beryllium copper and increasing the thickness of the gold plating. The Venustas achieves superior RMF, EMF, EMI noise reduction, and reduce vibration even better than before. Re-engineered with a high quality wire to allow a more flexible design, it also possesses improved metallurgy. The Venustas line of interconnects possesses refined engineering, and the artistry of human touch. Original Description is in English, other language texts are translations and can contain errors.Įnglish Deutsch Turkish One pair of Purist Audio Design Venustas Luminist Revision audio interconnect cables in a very good condition.

Purist audio design genesis rca